Kickstarter Update and Upcoming Concerts

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Jul 282015
Ada and Lauren

Trickster & King in Wales

Our Stories and Stone Kickstarter is closing in on its goal; we’re almost 95% funded with just over $300 to go! We’ve also just released the Somebody Will Teaching Album, doing sound editing to for the “If I Could Ask You Teaching Album”, and are getting ready for our upcoming concerts this August, so we’ve been quite busy.

Trickster & King will be performing at Mythcon 46, in Colorado Springs between July 31-Aug. 3, with GOH Jo Walton, singing our Norse music accompanied by Jo’s Norse poetry. We’ll also be joining Jo and providing a song or two at the Tiptree Award Ceremony at Borderlands in San Francisco (3pm, Sunday August 9th) and at her reading at Powells, in Cedar Hills, Portland, (7pm Monday August 17th) where Ada will also read from her upcoming novel, Servants of the World.

Trickster & King will also perform at Sasquan (Worldcon) in Spokane, August 19th-23th.

The Kickstarter ends on August 15th, so by the time we get back from Worldcon we’ll know the final numbers and hope that we’ll not only be putting together backer reward packages, but starting up recording for “Friend in the Dark” in order to release that album as well.

Thanks again for your support and we hope to see some of you this summer!

Stories and Stone Kickstarter

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Jul 172015

Yesterday we launched a new Kickstarter to raise money to release two new collections of close harmony a cappella story and myth music.

KickstarterCoverNew“Stories and Stone” is a companion album to our Norse Myth song cycle “Sundown: Whispers of Ragnarok” which was funded by an earlier Kickstarter and released on CD and DVD in Spring 2015. “Stories and Stone” contains alternate arrangements of most of the music from the Sundown project, plus our encore Space exploration anthem “Somebody Will“. The music is finished, and the goal of this campaign is to raise the funds to produce the CD by the end of this summer and have the discs in hand by Worldcon in Spokane. If we make our first stretch goal we will also release a second CD during the next year, “Friend in the Dark,” collecting experimental arrangements of our Norse music and many of Ada’s earlier songs, which have been out of print while we concentrated on the Sundown project, performed by Ada and Lauren Schiller, performing as the duo “Sassafrass: Trickster & King.”

As I post this, we we’ve already reached $1635 of our $5,753 goal; thank you all for your continued support and enthusiasm!

We’re Done!

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Jun 182015
Songbooks and poster

Our finished songbooks of both the Sundown music and our non-Norse music, and the poster of the Norse cosmos.

It took us a long time, but we finally finished up our Sundown: Whispers of Ragnarok project, with the finished DVDs arriving in time for Balticon, two years after our 2013 performance. We’re proud and happy with how everything came out, and are excited that we can finally share the fruits of our labors with everyone. The Kickstarter rewards have been mailed out, so all of our backers should have received their rewards already, or should be receiving them soon.

The CDs, DVDs, librettos, and songbooks have been available to pre-order for a while and are now officially for sale on Bandcamp. You can also now order the Somebody Will and the Norse Cosmos posters as well. We’ve also been adding teaching collections; we currently have teaching collections for “My Brother, My Enemy”, “The Futhark Song”, and “Abandoned”, and are working on finishing up additional teaching collections for other songs.

Our composer enjoying how the Norse songbook turned out.

Singing Norse music is even better when you sing by a fire.

We’ve also been busy making new recordings of our non-Norse music which is not currently available except for now out-of-print albums and hope to release additional albums soon.

Ada and Lauren have been performing more as the duo Sassafrass: Trickster and King and have been experimenting with performing duet versions of more complicated pieces like the quartet “If I Could Ask You”, which allows the audience to focus on two voices at a time and to hear parts of the song which aren’t the main focus in the quartet.

Lauren (Odin) reading the libretto.

Enjoying the historical notes.

Sassafrass: Trickster and King has two performances planned for this summer: we’ll be at Mythcon (July 31-August 3) with GOH Jo Walton and plan to have a reprise of the “Norse Hour” that we put on at George R.R. Martin’s Santa Fe theater last year.

We’ll also be at Sasquan (Worldcon) in Spokane in August (19-23) and are looking forward to performing on the west coast.

Sundown CDs

The CDs look and sound great!